NEC FC, Kitara FC Prepare for Stanbic Uganda Cup Final

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NEC FC and Kitara FC ready for final.
Confidence from coaches and players.
Stakes: cash prize, Zakayo balls, CAF Confederation.
Expect thrilling showdown at Muteesa II Stadium

As the Stanbic Uganda Cup final approaches, NEC FC and Kitara FC are brimming with confidence and determination. Both teams have expressed readiness ahead of the showdown set to take place on Saturday, 25th May 2024, at the historic Muteesa II Stadium in Wankulukuku, with kickoff scheduled for 3 PM.

A Show of Confidence

In a pre-match press conference held at the FUFA Complex in Mengo on Wednesday, 22nd May 2024, coaches and players from both finalists exuded confidence. Representing NEC FC were Head Coach Hussein Mbalangu and Captain Marvin Kavuma, while Kitara FC was represented by Head Coach Brian Ssenyondo and forward Dennis Omedi.

NEC FC: A Quest for Redemption

Coach Hussein Mbalangu of NEC FC acknowledged the significance of the final for the club. Despite appearing fatigued from the long season, Mbalangu expressed confidence in his team’s recovery, emphasizing their determination to clinch the Cup. Drawing from his own experience as a player and coach, Mbalangu remains unfazed by the pressure, instilling a sense of assurance among fans of a revamped and hungry team ready for victory.

‘Although the team appeared fatigued due to the long season, we have had a week to recover and hopefully by Saturday the players will have rested enough and recovered. We also know the magnitude of the game thus we shall have to work hard to win the Cup. I am not under any pressure because I have won the trophy as a player and have also reached several finals as a coach especially in Somalia,” Mbalangu said.

Kitara FC: Triumph Through Trials

On the other side, Kitara FC’s journey to the final has been marked by resilience and determination. Overcoming formidable opponents such as SC Villa FC and Vipers FC has prepared them for the ultimate challenge. Head Coach Brian Ssenyondo attributes their success to valuable lessons learned along the way, shaping a team that is stronger and more resilient. Forward Dennis Omedi echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the unity and teamwork that have propelled them to the final.

The Stakes at Play

Aside from the prestigious title, the winner of the Stanbic Uganda Cup will receive a cash prize of USH 50 million, with the runners-up pocketing USH 25 million. Additionally, both finalists are guaranteed to receive 10 Zakayo balls. Moreover, the victorious team will earn the opportunity to represent Uganda in the CAF Confederation Cup in the upcoming season.

Players to watch

Dennis Omedi (Kitara FC): Lethal forward pivotal in team’s journey, known for scoring crucial goals.
Marvin Kavuma (NEC FC): Captain brings experience, leadership, and defensive solidity to NEC’s lineup.
Key Midfielders: Both teams boast midfield maestros crucial for dictating pace, creating chances, and controlling the game.

Courtesy photo

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