Uganda Triumphs in Inaugural Africa Women’s Cup in Tanzania

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Uganda wins inaugural Africa Women’s Cup in Arusha.
Unique soccer format features eight players, four per side.
Event praised for lively atmosphere and enthusiastic participation.
Next tournament to be hosted in Nairobi, Kenya 2025.

Uganda clinched the inaugural title of the 2024 Africa Women’s Cup, outshining eight other nations, including hosts Tanzania, in a competition that highlighted the rising prominence of women’s football on the continent.

A Decisive Victory

Uganda’s women’s team delivered a stellar performance, defeating Tanzania 6-1 in the final match held at the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) grounds in Kijenge. This emphatic victory underscored Uganda’s prowess and set a high standard for future tournaments.

Unique Format and Intense Competition

The Africa Women’s Cup, organized by the Homeless World Cup, features a distinctive format of soccer played in cubicles with eight players, four on each side. This setup creates an intense, fast-paced game that tests the players’ skills and teamwork. The two-day event saw enthusiastic participation and spirited competition among teams from Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and South Africa.

Community Engagement and Vibrant Atmosphere

Coordinated by the Future Stars Academy (FSA) of Arusha, the tournament was described as a lively and engaging affair, drawing passionate and vocal crowds. The atmosphere was electric, with fans and participants alike celebrating the spirit of the game and the camaraderie it fostered among the teams. Organizers praised the participants for their pride and sportsmanship, which were evident throughout the matches.

Commitment to Women’s Football

James McMeekin, Chief Operating Officer for the Homeless World Cup Foundation, reiterated the Foundation’s dedication to promoting women’s football in Africa and beyond. He emphasized the role of football in bringing joy and positive change to the lives of both players and spectators. “The First Women Africa Cup aims to protect vulnerable women from exploitation,” McMeekin stated, highlighting the broader social mission of the tournament.

Local Impact and Future Prospects

Zakayo Mjema, Chairman of the Arusha Regional Football Association (ARFA), highlighted the need to introduce this form of football in schools to encourage girls to participate. This grassroots approach aims to nurture talent from a young age and foster a culture of inclusivity and empowerment through sports.

Gratitude and Historical Significance

Alfred Itaeli, Director of the Future Stars Academy, expressed deep gratitude to all contributors to the event’s success. He emphasized the historical significance of hosting the inaugural tournament in Tanzania, marking it as a pivotal moment for women’s sports in the region.

Looking Ahead: Nairobi 2025

As the dust settles on the 2024 Africa Women’s Cup, the focus now shifts to next year’s event, which will be hosted by Kenya in Nairobi.

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