Cameroon:Sports Tribunal Delays Appointment of Brys as Head Coach

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~ Brys appointment controversies

~ Government intervention in FECAFOOT affairs

~ 24hrs left for appeal

~ #UgSportsNow

Cameroon’s top sports tribunal recently caused a disruption in the appointment of Belgian football coach Marc Brys as the head coach of the national team, the Indomitable Lions. The delay came about following a plea from an amateur football club, shedding light on the ongoing conflict between the country’s sports ministry and the Football Federation of Cameroon (FECAFOOT).

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Controversies surrounding the appointment of Brys

The controversy began last month when the sports ministry unilaterally appointed 61-year-old Brys as the manager of the national team without consulting FECAFOOT. This decision sparked uproar and raised concerns about the lack of consultation and transparency in the process of appointing national team coaches.

FECAFOOT, led by its president Samuel Eto’o, quickly responded to the situation by demanding that a national coach and other key management personnel be submitted for the national team within 72 hours. This move was seen as a direct challenge to the authority of the sports ministry and intensified the power struggle between the two entities.

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In a bid to address the conflict and assert its own authority, FECAFOOT retained Marc Brys as the head coach but made significant changes to the rest of the coaching and management staff. New assistants, technical experts, medical personnel, and administrative staff were appointed to support Brys in his role as head coach of the Indomitable Lions.

Complexities and Challenges within the government and FECAFOOT delayed the tribunal.

The delay caused by the sports tribunal highlights the complexities and challenges within the governance and management of football in Cameroon. The power struggle between the sports ministry and the football federation underscores the importance of collaboration and communication in decision-making processes that impact the national team and the country’s footballing future.

Moving forward, it will be crucial for all stakeholders involved in Cameroonian football to work together towards a common goal of enhancing the performance and success of the national team, while also upholding the principles of transparency, accountability, and good governance in the sport.

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Meanwhile, an amateur club appealed to the Cameroon National Olympic and Sports Committee’s Arbitration and Conciliation Chamber.

In a temporary order issued on Tuesday, the court delayed the FECAFOOT appointments while it conducted a thorough investigation.

Can the decision/ruling be challenged a few?

Concerned parties have 24 hours to appeal. FECAFOOT responded by stating that it “reserves the right to refer these decisions to FIFA, as they impede the preparation process for the upcoming sporting events.”

“The Emergency Committee of FECAFOOT will meet immediately to take appropriate measures,” it said in a statement.

Soccer’s global governing body FIFA has severe restrictions against government meddling in national federations, and countries that tamper with federation operations are typically barred from participating.

Ongolo cautioned against Eto’o’s appointment

The head of the Cameroon Association of Amateur Football Clubs, Balla Ongolo Henri, has earlier stated that Eto’o’s nominations would harm Cameroon’s reputation and hinder preparations for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers in June.

Brys, 61, signed a contract as head coach of the Indomitable Lions on May 8, following Rigobert Song’s sacking in February.

FECAFOOT kept at bay

FECAFOOT did not participate in the signing ceremony.

The sports ministry claims to have followed both national and international regulations.

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