Nairobi’s Certified Stadium Solution for Olympic Trials

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Certified venue in Nairobi for trials.
Olympic qualification deadline is June 30.
Athletes encouraged to keep training hard.
Balancing international events and compliance needed.

Ongoing Dilemma: Finding a Venue

The upcoming track and field Olympic trials in Kenya have been overshadowed by a significant logistical challenge: finding a suitable, certified venue. With the closure of both the Moi International Sports Center, Kasarani, and Nyayo National Stadium, the two stadia in Kenya certified by World Athletics, the question of where the trials will be held has become pressing. Athletes and fans alike have expressed concerns as the trials dates, set for July 14 and 15, approach rapidly.

Athletics Kenya’s Assurance

Athletics Kenya President Jackson Tuwei has been at the forefront of addressing these concerns. Despite the closures, Tuwei has assured the athletic community that a certified stadium in Nairobi will be secured in time for the trials. He emphasized the importance of athletes continuing their training and staying focused, with several opportunities still available for Olympic qualification.

Pathways to Olympic Qualification
Remaining Opportunities

Tuwei highlighted that the deadline for Olympic qualification is June 30, leaving athletes with a window to secure their spots. Key events such as the Diamond League Meetings and the Africa Senior Athletics Championships are critical opportunities for athletes to achieve the necessary standards. Tuwei’s message was clear: athletes should continue to push hard and utilize every available event to meet the qualification criteria.

Encouragement for Athletes

“I want to congratulate those who have qualified and encourage those who haven’t to keep giving more effort,” Tuwei stated. He expressed hope for a larger Kenyan contingent at the Olympics, urging athletes to maintain their training regimes and stay motivated. Tuwei’s comments came during the national championships at the Ulinzi Sports Complex, where he reiterated the importance of having a certified venue for the trials.

Certified Venues and Compliance
Securing a Certified Venue

Tuwei confirmed that Athletics Kenya is working diligently to secure a certified stadium in Nairobi. “We shall also try doing the Olympic trials here in Nairobi, to see that you compete in a facility that has been certified and meets all the proper conditions,” he said. This assurance aims to alleviate concerns about the readiness and suitability of the venue for such an important event.

Addressing Inconveniences

Acknowledging the inconveniences caused by the stadium closures, Tuwei apologized to the athletes. He emphasized the necessity of adhering to regulations, especially concerning anti-doping requirements. “It is important to follow [the rules] so that at the end of it all, we do not get into any issues,” he noted. This commitment to compliance underscores Athletics Kenya’s dedication to maintaining the integrity of the sport.

Preparation and Coordination
Athlete Selection and Coordination

Tuwei also mentioned that the list of athletes selected for the Africa Senior Athletics Championships will be released soon. This list will include athletes competing in international events such as the Prefontaine Classic and those engaged in Diamond League events. Coordinating these selections is crucial to ensuring that Kenya fields a strong and compliant team.

Balancing International Commitments

Tuwei stressed the importance of balancing athletes’ international commitments with the need to adhere to domestic regulations. “We will put all that together and coordinate in the right way,” he said. This coordination aims to ensure that all athletes, regardless of their international schedules, are included and prepared for the Olympic trials.


Venue Uncertainty: Expect ongoing venue challenges for Nairobi’s Olympic Trials due to stadium closures, impacting athletes and organizers as the event nears.

Assurance from Athletics Kenya: Tuwei assures a certified Nairobi stadium will be secured in time, urging athlete focus despite venue dilemmas.

Olympic Qualification Pathways: Athletes encouraged to utilize remaining qualification opportunities like Diamond League Meetings and Africa Senior Athletics Championships.

Preparation and Coordination Efforts: Updates on athlete selection and coordination, balancing international commitments while ensuring compliance for the trials.

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